Online & Offline Data Entry Job at Home ( Earn Upto 2250$ a Month )

Data Entry now reached to a new level of outsourcing. Because
of the increased offshore data entry projects coming, Data
Entry Companies are hiring Data Entry Operators from India &
worldwide. Different Data Entry service are now distributed
to reach the Job requirement.

As a Data Entry company head office situated in Canada & USA,
provides excellent support services and guidance of online &
Offline data entry and related works.

We have vacancy for skilled data entry operators and enthusiastic professionals in the following areas.
  • Data Entry.
  • Offshore Data Entry.
  • Online Data Entry Jobs.
  • offline Data Entry Jobs.
  • Online & offline Form Processing & Submission Data Entry from paper/books with high accuracy and speed.
  • Online & offline Data Capture / Collection.
  • Data entry from Image file in any format.
  • Online & offline Data Entry from hard-copy/printed material into MS Office.
If you are looking for any of the above services and in need of data outsourcing, then our enthusiastic data entry team is ready to meet your requirements.

Skill required to work:

Basic skills like typing on computer. Computer knowledge of opening internet pages and surfing internet that's all.

How much Assignments can You do daily, What will be the work load:

Dear customer as this is a Part time work, but if you are interested you can do it as full time also. So here we made 3 different work options, you can either work as a "Beginner Typist", "Professional Typist" or as a "Corporate Package". Daily you can do a Maximum of 85-235 Assignments as per the plan, but a good thing is that there is no limit for minimum Assignments. This means you can submit a minimum of "0" to Maximum of "235" Assignments. For example, today you did 5 files, tomorrow 0 files, everything will be counted. Each Assignment will contain 4 to 6 lines only.

Terms You Get Payment:
  • As a Beginner Typist: Min. 750 & Max. 2500 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.
  • As a Professional Typist: Min. 1500 & Max.4000 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.
  • As a Corporate Package: Min. 2000 & Max.7000 Assignments you've submit every month in order to get paid.
Service Plan & Cost

Payment Options:
  1. PayPal
  2. Credit Card
  3. Bank Wire
  4. Cash/Cheque
  5. Found Transfer
  6. Western Union

Earn Lots Of Dollar $$$$$$$$$$$$

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